Get in touch or make an appointment
For general help and free advice relating to Galen Myotherapy I am happy to discuss the suitability of Myotherapy treatment for your dog and discus any queries that you may have.
Due to the nature of therapy work I may not be able to answer your call straight away, so please leave a message including your phone number and email and I will endeavour to call you back or reply by e-mail within 24hrs.
If you are worried about your dog because you think your dog has a new illness or their condition has changed suddenly, please talk to your vet in the first instance.
For emergencies call your vet.
If you would like me to treat your dog get in touch and I will contact you to discuss your dog and confirm a provisional appointment.
Ask a question
If you have any questions about the different treatment options, please get in touch and I will be happy to discuss these further with you.
You can get in touch via: